How did you get into your sport?
I used to love doing school sports days in the summertime, it was a great way of having fun and making new friends! That was the beginning for me, and it grew into heading to my local athletics club with the mindset of purely having fun and meeting new people.
What do you love about your sport and competing on the international stage?
The best thing about it all is the self-improvement and it doesn’t always come in succession because you may face many setbacks whilst getting ready for competition. The most magical feeling of all is running in a stadium full of a cheering crowd! I get goosebumps just thinking about it during lockdown!
How does your usual day look like during competition season?
I wake up and take my children to school. After that, I head into the office and check everything is okay then it’s time for a relaxed breakfast at home. After breakfast, I head down to the stadium for my track workout followed by a gym session. In the evening, I will try to eat well and prepare for the following day’s training session. The evening is also time for checking emails and getting a lot of my phone calls related to the business done.
How have your days looked during lockdown?
During this lockdown period, I have spent a lot more time at home. Going for walks has been a great way to mentally escape from the lockdown. Alongside this, I’ve been training my extended family over video calls and also with my own family in the garden.
Focusing on myself, many of my training sessions have had to take place in the garden, which has been a strange experience to say the least! I really miss getting to the track and putting down some good sessions.
What is the proudest moment from your career?
Berlin 2009 World Championships when I finished 4th was my proudest moment. Weeks prior to that I was ranked 103rd in the world and didn’t have a qualification standard to get to the competition so to overcome the odds and finish 4th was a fantastic moment in my career.
If you weren't an athlete, what would you be doing?
I would be ploughing my energy into running businesses.
What injuries have you had and how did/do they affect you?
I’ve had a few surgeries to my upper body over the years and minor injuries to lower limbs. This was really difficult to deal with as you lose momentum. The best way to deal with these is to accept it has happened and have an alternative focus to keep you happy.

How does NuroKor help your recovery?
I use it after my speed sessions where I feel heightened neural awareness through my body, so the recovery that NuroKor gives me is brilliant. I also use it to stimulate key muscle groups during the warm-up of a session - it’s super important for me to activate my muscles to make sure I can give 100% during my training sessions.
Where do you use it?
Post sessions on my sofa. Pre sessions on the trackside.
What are the goals for you in the near future?
Tokyo 2020 Gold!