Enduring pain or an injury to your hands and/or feet can be one of the most frustrating experiences for any person, no matter the activity level. Why? Because we use our hands and feet for everything, all the time!
There are numerous causes for hand and foot injuries – ranging from a fall or sprain, to overuse or even longer-term problems such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. For whatever reason, the pain can be hard to manage and recover from if you have to use your hands or feet – which in everyday life is difficult to avoid.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Filmmaker, author and entrepreneur Somi Arian suffers from RSI in her wrists and hands. RSI, or repetitive strain injury, is a term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse.

Arian’s RSI became even more problematic when she embarked on writing her book, which obviously meant spending a lot of time at her computer:
“I suffer from RSI in my hand and after discovering bioelectrical therapy, I frequently use it to ease the pain. I can actually use my NuroKor device when I am working at my computer. I use the microcurrent setting which works at a cellular level, so you can’t actually feel it. It really helps to provide extra treatment while I continue to work.”

Trigger Finger
Ex-professional Welsh rugby player, Brynmor Williams, has also got problems with his hands, which has been caused by years of playing both rugby union and rugby league at an international level.
“I have a problem with my fingers called ‘trigger finger’. It is very painful, and I had tried everything for them, from bathing them in hot water in the mornings, to a hot water bottle, to those seed bags you can heat up in the microwave. I resorted to having an operation on two fingers, which are pain free now, but I'll never be able to straighten them again. And another three fingers are struggling in the same way.”

Williams recently discovered bioelectrical therapy through friend and fellow rugby international Ieuan Evans:
“I was chatting to Ieuan about my pain, and he told me I had to try NuroKor. He suggested I tried the KorGlov, which is one of the NuroKor products, and I found a vast improvement in my finger pain. They are really painful in the mornings, but when I put my gloves on it helps me a great deal.”

The advances in technology around both rugby and indeed in treating injuries have really made Williams think again about how to manage his body.
“I am pleased I have come across this technology and now have access to something up to date that really works. To give you an example, when I wake up there is no way I can flex my index finger or clench it into a fist. With the gloves on, I put the setting on ‘improved performance stage two’ then I can flex it properly and it feels fine. After using the gloves regularly for five or six weeks I really noticed a big improvement.”

Williams sums things up well, whilst conversing in The BioElectronics Podcast:
“Because I'm not sure where I'll be in two years’ time, I don't want to have to stop playing golf and I want to be able to grip the steering wheel of the car. There are all sorts of things that you want to do with your hands and it's only when you have an injury that you realise how precious they are. I am so happy I now have an increase in function and a reduction of pain due to using NuroKor.”
Plantar fasciitis
When keen distance runner and consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Tim Owens, started experiencing the excruciating foot pain that comes with plantar fasciitis, he was determined to find an effective solution before the condition threatened to stop him running completely.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the thick band of tissue (also called a fascia) at the bottom of your foot that runs from your heel to your toes. Plantar fasciitis causes pain in your heel and sometimes around the arch. It is often worse in the mornings and can be hard to get rid of.
As an experienced orthopaedic surgeon with more than 20 years’ experience under his belt, Owens was no stranger to lower limb injuries, but after trying almost every possible treatment - from insoles and splints, to physiotherapy and even just rest - he was at a loss.

After exhausting every option, Owens got a recommendation from his pharmacist to try NuroKor’s mitouch device with the KorShoe accessory. To Owens initial surprise, the treatment quickly started working and he made a full recovery, meaning he could start running again:

“I’ve been pretty lucky throughout my running career and have suffered with very few injuries - but a few years ago, plantar fasciitis began to flare up in my left foot. The pain quickly became excruciating and at times, I could barely walk - let alone run.”
He continues: “I tried all forms of treatment, all of which failed to make any difference. It was a hugely frustrating process and, in the end, I was unable to run for about 12 months.”
Once Owens had access to NuroKor he started using it on the pain control setting for around two hours every evening, and then started using the recovery function as well. He explains what happened:
“Within a week, I could already notice a difference in my pain levels. After two to three weeks, the results were dramatic and I was able to start light jogging again - and by six weeks, I had made a complete recovery and was able to start running again, every day. I was amazed.”

Ballerina’s feet
Madeleine Bell is a professional ballerina based in Paris, and as she explains, dancers often have complications with the legs and feet:
“Many ballerinas have problems with lower leg injuries – for example sprained ankles and stress fractures caused from overuse. I have been lucky to avoid these, but like any ballerina, we often suffer from both tired and painful feet.”

Bell goes on to explain that having access to the NuroKor KorShoe has helped her immensely:
“Your feet take the brunt of the work in ballet and after being in pointe ballet shoes for hours, they really hurt. I use ice buckets for my feet, but after being introduced to NuroKor, I use it as part of my recovery routine."

"The NuroKor KorShoe really seems to ease my tired and painful feet! NuroKor really has changed my life and made recovery so much easier.”
How BioElectronics can help?
Whether it is any of the above pain ailments or another type of hand and foot pain - we recognise it can be difficult to overcome and recover.
Bioelectronic therapy can be a great addition to your treatment plan, allowing you to continue your normal daily life tasks while managing those niggly hand and feet injuries.
If you have any questions or queries on how NuroKor technology works click here. If you have a specific query feel welcome to get in touch with the NuroKor team at info@nurokor.co.uk.