Christmas is fast approaching, and for anyone who likes to try and stay in tip-top shape, it can be a challenging time of year. We know there is a lot of temptation to eat less healthily, and it might seem ideal to swap the work out sesh for some TV and a mince pie!
However, staying fit over Christmas doesn’t have to mean missing out. To help you, we have pulled together NuroKor Lifetech’s top tips for staying fit over the Christmas and New Year holidays:
1. Keep your body and mind active
Keeping active can make the world of difference to not only your fitness, but mental health. Make the most of your time out of the house, even if this simply means going for a daily walk, parking your car some distance away from your destination, or just using the stairs.

2. Be the early riser
Get your workout over and done with while everyone else is still asleep. Not only will you feel smug, you will also avoid comments from family asking why you are off running when you should be helping prepare the Christmas dinner!

3. Go for a walk or bike ride
If you are not at work, the Christmas and New Year holidays are a good time to try and get outside and plan outdoor activities where everyone can be involved. A brisk walk after a big meal can feel great, as well as helping you keep your body moving. Equally a family bike ride can be both fun and an easy way to do some exercise.

4. Focus on recovery with NuroKor
If you have been training really hard, Christmas might be the perfect time to give your body a chance to recover. Take a few tactical rest days or help your muscles recover more quickly by using your NuroKor Lifetech mibody or mitouch in the places that need it the most. If you have any niggling injuries, this could also be the chance to use NuroKor Lifetech to help optimise your recovery from that injury that just won’t go away.

5. Avoid overindulging
It’s a good idea to be selective with your festive treats and try not to overindulge. Of course, we are not telling you to say no to everything. It's Christmas time, you deserve a treat! But perhaps limit this to your favourite pudding and one or two special Christmas snacks. Your body will thank you for not going overboard.

6. Drink alcohol in moderation
It is very easy to forget how many calories are in alcohol. So have a drink if you fancy one, just don’t go crazy for the whole festive period. So be strategic and choose your days wisely. It will make the world of difference.

7. Try short and intense work outs
Whether outside or in the living room, Christmas can be a good time to try some short but intense workouts. If you are out running, try some intervals instead of a long steady run. If in the house, you could try a HIIT session – there are plenty of good ideas online or make it up yourself! A short, intense workout can be surprisingly effective.

8. Keep drinking water
It is easy to forget to drink water over Christmas – especially when it is cold (which actually reduces your body's ability to feel thirst). Make sure you stay hydrated and if you are drinking alcohol, you should aim to include some glasses of water as well. This will make you feel better generally, as well as helping with those pesky hangovers!

9. Get into the Christmas rhythm
For a more informal fitness activity, why not try a good dance workout to some Christmas tunes. Letting other family members join in, including the kids, will make it even more fun.

10. Enjoy yourself and relax
Christmas and New Year are a great time to relax and celebrate with friends and family. By eating and drinking in moderation, plus throwing in a bit of exercise, you will hopefully feel good. Enjoy yourself, and don’t feel guilty about doing things a little bit differently over the festive holidays.

Learn more about how NuroKor Lifetech can aid recovery and help with injuries and pain management.