On The BioElectronic Podcast, NuroKor CEO & Founder, Rick Rowan and trained Anaesthetist and Forbes contributor, Dr. James Somauroo are joined by Brenda Lloyd, an NHS nurse with decades of experience with treating patients in areas such as palliative care.
The team at NuroKor were kindly introduced to Brenda, through a beautiful letter we received from her co-worker Jackie, who was lent one of NuroKor's devices and was subsequently able to help her mum with the use of bioelectronics. In The BioElectronics Podcast episode, Brenda kindly tells us how she was introduced to bioelectronics herself, as well as a moving story around recommending our device to a lady in her mid-eighties who was, once again, able to walk, pain free, after a number of treatments.
A great listen, if you’re considering bioelectronics as a patient or a clinician. The letter from Brenda's colleague, Jackie is transcribed below for further context.
Jackie's letter to NuroKor:

New episodes of The BioElectronics Podcast are released weekly on a Thursday. It is currently available to listen to on Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Anchor and more.