How bioelectronics can help support us through the ageing process

How bioelectronics can help support us through the ageing process

There can be multiple benefits to using electrotherapy in older age. As a very gentle form of treatment microcurrent in particular can help manage age related conditions such as arthritis and muscu...
How bioelectronic technologies can help patients with Fibromyalgia

How bioelectronic technologies can help patients with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a commonly diagnosed musculoskeletal disorder. With the lack of an accepted effective treatment for the condition microcurrent stimulation offers some hope to sufferers as ...
How bioelectronic technology can push back muscle atrophy in the ageing

How bioelectronic technology can push back muscle atrophy in the ageing

Original research from 2014 addressed whether electrical muscle stimulation is an alternative intervention to improve muscle recovery. It showed that neuromuscular stimulation training or NMS proto...
Bioelectronics - the misconceptions

Bioelectronics - the misconceptions

Addressing the misconceptions surrounding bioelectronic technology and thinking about it as the electronic version of pharmaceuticals or 'electroceuticals'.
How long have we been using electricity for therapeutic purposes?

How long have we been using electricity for therapeutic purposes?

It is fascinating to discover how long people have been using electricity for therapeutic purposes. We can date it back as far as 2500 BC!
How to hack the body's batteries using microcurrents

How to hack the body's batteries using microcurrents

There is evidence to show that microcurrent stimulation works in a number of different ways, making it one of the most versatile treatment modalities available. Watch to find out how by applying se...
Post-op pain management - the benefits of peripheral nerve stimulation

Post-op pain management - the benefits of peripheral nerve stimulation

A randomised double-blind, controlled trial involving 42 subjects showed that peripheral nerve stimulation can be used safely as adjunct analgesic therapy after surgery. The findings showed that 95...
Lower back pain has been identified as a leading cause of disability globally

Lower back pain has been identified as a leading cause of disability globally

Lower back pain affects 540 million people globally. Bioelectrical medicine along with structured activity...