It’s (almost) the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling (jingle jingle)
And everyone telling you be of good cheer (but don’t feel you have to)
It’s (almost) the most wonderful time of the year
Except for the stress that often comes with trying to find presents for everyone, and there are always one or two where you just can’t think of anything. A mug for a third year in a row? That might be going a bit far. But never fear, as we’ve got you covered with our guide to Christmas gifts for 2022.
NuroKor Lifetech's technology gives you the ability to instantly manage pain, relieve sore muscles, and optimise your recovery from injury or exercise - all at the press of a button. People with arthritis, sciatica, back pain, joint pain and more have had amazing results with Lifetech, while professional athletes and Olympians use it as part of their training regime.
Rather than doing a top 5, we’re going to help you out with who each idea is best suited for. After all, even the best of something doesn’t work for everyone!
For the person who’s always on the go

Upside down or the right way up, mibody will keep you going
We all know someone like this - zooming from work to an event to a friend to home to a holiday the next day. How do they do it? It’s a mystery. Perhaps coffee; there’s a person who would actually enjoy getting umpteen mugs every year.
For the rushing, non-stop person in your life, the NuroKor Lifetech mibody is the perfect gift.
This kind of lifestyle often needs everything to fit into just a couple of bags, and the mibody is perfect for that. You could even just curl it up and put it in a pocket, although beware tangled cables…
The other thing about constantly being on the go is that it can be pretty tiring for your body if you don’t get the chance to rest. The mibody is ideal for helping your body recover and provides you with portable physical therapy and electrical stimulation to relax tired muscles and target painful points. Just put it on for 20 minutes and start to feel the benefits immediately.
Optimising recovery not only helps you feel great, but it supports training and making gains in performance. If they’re an avid gym-goer or sports enthusiast, then mibody can help them reach their fitness goals.
Bonus tip: When they’re opening the present, you can tell them they can even use the mibody while exercising or running to catch their train!
For the person who loves extras

Whether it’s a scratch-proof cover for your phone (essential for some of us), a little cushion for the small of your back (no matter the quality of the chair), or one of the many optional upgrades for your car, having that little extra can make a huge difference.
Although all our devices are easy to use - just check out our reviews - our KorGlov and KorShoe accessories take this to the next level and make it easier to apply our therapies to your hands and feet.
Take a load off with the NuroKor Lifetech KorShoe
The contours of the hands and feet sometimes mean that conductive pads don’t properly adhere, so you might not get the full benefit of the whole treatment programme. By using these accessories, the electrical stimulation will reach every part that it needs to. You could even give yourself a foot massage thanks to the KorShoe!
Bonus tip: Don’t try to use the KorShoe as slippers. We’ve tried and we’re not sure people are ready for it.
Just remember that these will need to be paired with the mitouch. Speaking of which…
For the person who loves having all the options
Sometimes you just want to have everything in one package. Look at how phones brought about the demise of SatNav and cheap cameras - they’ve all been rolled into one.
If you know someone who likes to have the maximum number of options at their fingertips, then they’ll love the mitouch this Christmas.
It may look like a phone, but it doesn't come with snake. Sorry.
It’s our most advanced device and brings a huge range of features, including microcurrent stimulation with the MC2 setting, compatibility with large pads and even the ability to connect two sets of pads at once. Do you have two knees? Do they both hurt? You can treat both at the same time with one mitouch.
There are 16 treatment modes spread across pain, pain+, recovery, and performance. That means that whatever is ailing you: whether it’s pain, tiredness after exercise, or a niggling injury that’s taking its time to heal, there is a setting for you that will instantly start making a difference.
If that weren’t enough, it has a 15-hour battery life, treatment programmes can be set between 10 minutes and 1 hour, and you can take it everywhere, just like the mibody! Although you’ll need to put it in a pocket if you want to use it hands free (mibody sticks on entirely).
If you read the mibody section and are now wondering “why should I choose that when this seems to have it all”, then we have got just the page for you! We’ve compared the two devices so you can choose which one is right for yourself and the people in your life.
Bonus tip: The mitouch really is easy to use - it’s just like a touchscreen phone! The most difficult part will be keeping the secret of your relaxed shoulders and pain-free back from your friends.
For the person who has everything (from Lifetech)

You know how it is: you’ve found the perfect gift, only to suddenly remember that they’ve already got one.
If they’re already a NuroKor Lifetech aficionado, then chances are that they’ve already got the mitouch or mibody. But there is one thing that they’ll always need: pads.
Pads are essential for our devices to work as they are the point at which our signature electrical stimulation reaches the body. Although they are long lasting, they won’t last forever, which is why a regular resupply is needed, and what better time than Christmas?
Our pads come in two sizes, medium and large. The medium ones can be used with both mibody and mitouch, while the large ones only work with mitouch.
Bonus tip: If the recipient is going through pads at a really incredible rate, point out (subtly) that they come with a plastic strip you can put them back onto to ensure they survive longer.
For the person who can’t stand NuroKor Lifetech
There might be some of them, right? If you absolutely have to get them something not from us, then maybe socks?
Bonus tip: Perhaps stripy ones.
We know Christmas can be stressful, but hopefully this has given you some ideas for Christmas gifts this year. If you need more advice about any of our devices or our technology, get in touch with us.
We’d also like to know how it goes, so let us know what your friends and family think of their presents!
And remember, you have a 30-day money back guarantee so if they somehow get two of the same, don’t worry.